Privacy Policy

CartoonRecruit understands that looking for your next production is stressful enough without job sites that make industry artists feel like we are trading privacy for employment.

We feel deeply gross when we see a Cookie Banner that outlines all of the ways in which a website wants to track its visitors. For that reason, we try to be as transparent and privacy-conscious, by default, as a modern website can be. Our goal is to be useful to the animation community by collecting links to job posts across the animation, game development and VFX industries — and be supported by community members who want to sustain our work and help this project grow.

In the process, CartoonRecruit aims to collect as little visitor data as possible to operate a website and will never serve banner ads from ad networks. We will not try to determine precisely who our visitors are. Or collect information on visitors from third parties. We do not process sensitive personal information. We do not want your personal information.

Hosting: There are some elements of this website that CartoonRecruit has limited control of. This website was built and hosted using SpreadSimple. You can find their privacy policy here. SpreadSimple offers a variety of analytics tools that we have opted not to use. As far as we are aware, they can only collect data necessary to provide their service and display our job listings. We also serve fonts using the Google Fonts API, which Google claims it does not use to create profiles for targeted advertising.

Analytics: This website uses GoatCounter to collect anonymized browsing data, such as the total number of unique visits, and you can find their privacy policy here. Out of respect for the privacy of our visitors, we have opted out of tracking referrer header and campaign parameters, user-agents, screen size, as well as regions within countries. Being aware of how many people use our website in a month helps us make practical decisions, but we are not interested in knowing how you got here or what you ate for breakfast.

Hyperlinks: We use clearly-marked Amazon affiliate links, which embeds our name in the URL to tell Amazon that we sent you to them. You can find Amazon’s privacy notice here. Our jobs submissions use Google Forms, and you can find Google’s privacy policy here. If you choose to send us your email address along with a job posting, we may use that email address to contact you about your posting. We also link to many websites that we do not control, including but not limited to Patreon, Discord, social media platforms and, by operating a job directory, a wide variety of animation studio websites.

That’s it. That’s the website. If you have concerns about privacy or anything that you find on, you can email me directly at